Have you been struggling for years with certain aspects of your intimate life? You are not alone! I’ve heard from so many patients, both men and women, who have secretly suffered from low libido or difficulty achieving orgasm for years. They ignored their symptoms because they didn’t think there was a solution without drugs or surgery, or they were brushed off by their doctor. What I’m here to tell you is that you may find help for your intimate life with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), an all-natural treatment that uses the healing power of your very own body.
PRP is a concentrated portion of your blood, which we prepare in our office within minutes while you relax. PRP is packed with healing properties and growth factors, which help to revitalize any area of the body to which it’s applied.
•For men, we perform the P-Shot®, which carefully injects PRP into targeted areas of the penis. Patients who have received The P-Shot report that it can help strengthen erections, lengthen their duration, boost orgasm intensity and libido.
•For women, we perform the O-Shot®, which injects PRP into the clitoris and anterior vaginal wall, which patients report helps boost libido, enhances sexual sensation and orgasm, and improves urinary stress incontinence.
One of the best parts of PRP treatments is that they use your own body, not foreign substances, so there’s no risk of an allergic reaction. And since PRP is a healing substance, it promotes revitalization within your body and no downtime. The O-Shot and the P-Shot are comfortable treatments, too, so there’s no need to worry about that!
To learn more about the P-Shot or the O-Shot, please call 415.887.8718or request a consultation today!
Belle Marin proudly serves Mill Valley and the surrounding communities, including Tiburon, Corte Madera, Larkspur, and San Francisco.