With so much uncertainty in our lives these days, we need all the help we can get to stay balanced both mentally and physically. If you are feeling like a grumpy Gus more days than you’d care to admit, hang in there, and take a quick look at a few of these easy wellness tips we found on WebMD for boosting your state-of-mind ASAP.
Eat dark chocolate
Dark chocolate is a miracle food in our opinion, because it enhances the health of both our skin and our minds! In addition to antioxidants, which help your skin look vibrant, the magic mood boosting ingredient in chocolate is flavanol, a chemical which boosts blood flow to the brain. But easy does it — only a small square is needed to reap the rewards. Stick with chocolate with a high cocoa content, at least 70% or higher.
Turn on Pandora
Music is clinically proven to enhance your mood. When you hum or sing along, did you know that it stimulates your brain to produce natural painkillers?
Goof off — it’s good for your health!
All work and no play is a recipe for some serious crabbiness. Are you laughing at least once a day? Inject more joy into your routine by loosening up a little. Watch funny animal videos or reach out to that friend who always makes you laugh! Laughter is another cure-all, helping to relax your muscles, boost blood flow and stimulate endorphins for an overall wellness boost — that’s free!
Hug your pets
There’s a reason why dogs are used in therapy and cancer wards — animals are clinically proven to help us feel better! When you spend time with your pets, your body releases the mood-boosting chemical oxytocin, which helps you bond to other living beings.
Get outside
Communing with nature is another proven wellness booster for every aspect of your body and mind. If your job keeps you inside, try placing a picture of nature on your desk, or a plant! In a pinch, these substitutes will do the trick to keep your mood up.
We couldn’t leave out exercise, could we? Another cure-all, exercise is clinically proven to help boost your mood and help you cope better with stress. Best of all, a little goes a long way! A 10-minute walk around your block works as well as a 45-minute workout at the gym!
Here at Belle Marin Aesthetic Medicine, we want you to feel as amazing as you look. We are here with you during this stressful time, and we can’t wait to see you for your favorite aesthetic treatments! Self-care is another proven stress reducer and mood booster, so don’t forget to make time for yourself soon.
To schedule a consultation with us, please give us a call at 415.887.8718, send a note to hello@ or request a consultation online today! Thank you for your patience and support throughout this challenging time. Please be aware that we are taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of our patients and staff.
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In a Funk? Here’s How to Shake It Off